Building a Development Team to Excel in 2024 and Beyond

Discover two approaches to development real estate recruitment including the pros and cons of both the hiring process, the skills you should be looking for, and the best solutions to development team recruitment.

Juni 2024

Building a Development Team - 2024 - Cover Download

Who is this for?

  • Sector: Development
  • Country: United Kingdom
  • Location: London, Manchester
Building a Development Team - 2024 - Cover Download

Who is this for?

  • Sector: Development
  • Country: United Kingdom
  • Location: London, Manchester


Discover two approaches to development real estate recruitment including the pros and cons of both the hiring process, the skills you should be looking for, and the best solutions to development team recruitment.

Every development project follows the same process from planning through to construction. However, there are two different approaches to development recruitment depending on the size, budget, and needs of the project.

Utilising insights from our team of real estate development recruiters, we’re helping companies assess which strategy is right for their business. We’re also delving into the importance of recruitment planning, enabling hiring managers to secure the right talent ahead of time.

Leveraging our latest survey research, we can provide in-depth salary and employment package benchmarking from over 15,000 professionals across global real estate, helping you craft remuneration packages that attract and sustain the best talent.

In this report

  • Choosing the right path for your development team recruitment
  • Hiring in-house vs hiring external development consultants
  • Factors influencing team structures
  • Pros and cons of each approach
  • The hiring process
  • Skills in demand for developers
  • Best practices for real estate development recruitment

As we formulated a new team, we were drawing from half a dozen different organisations or more, bundling together different perspectives and backgrounds and points of view. We shared tons of learnings and knowledge from our own histories in order to craft this new operational platform to make it work. It was a team’s mutual aggregate set of understanding and shared learnings over their careers that made us all successful.

Matt Walker
CEO of Mapletree – Student Accommodation


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