Levers Beyond Salary: Estates Team Employment Package Insights

Explore the different ways to design attractive employment packages for estates teams, even when financial incentives are not feasible.

Juli 2024

Estates Team Employment Package Insights Cover Image Download

Who is this for?

  • Sector: Real Estate Services
  • Country: United Kingdom
  • Location: London, Manchester
Estates Team Employment Package Insights Cover Image Download

Who is this for?

  • Sector: Real Estate Services
  • Country: United Kingdom
  • Location: London, Manchester


Explore how to secure top talent for you estates team, despite constrained salary budgets. Leveraging insights from our comprehensive survey research, this guide explores non-monetary benefits and strategies to craft attractive employment packages

As a real estate development recruiter with three-decades experience helping estates teams for different types organisations – from The Crown Estate and Kent County Council to David Lloyd Clubs – we highlight the importance of workplace culture and flexible working options in retaining and attracting professionals.

We delve into key roles within typical estates teams, providing tailored insights and practical tips for hiring managers and offering valuable non-monetary incentives that align with employee needs and industry trends.

In this report:

  • Insights into creating attractive employment packages beyond salary
  • The significance of workplace culture-fit and flexible working options
  • Breakdown of why teams feel undervalued and how likely they are to leave their current employer
  • Strategies for leveraging non-monetary benefits to enhance remuneration packages
  • Practical tips on aligning compensation with company goals through performance-based incentives
  • Experienced commentary from our division director, Alex Moore, on current trends and employee expectations
  • Case studies and examples


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